My stress level is the number 79 which is a low susceptibility to a stress related illness. I can reduce stress in my life by regularly making time for fun and relaxation. This will put me in a better place to handle life’s stressors when they inevitably come. I can do this by going for a walk, exercise, have warm coffee or tea, read a book, listen to music, or watch a comedy.
High stress levels have a gargantuan impact on both the mother and child during the pregnancy and it can be very harmful. There are many negative side effects of stress during pregnancy. Studies show that very high levels of stress may contribute to an increased risk of premature delivery or low birth weight babies. Overly high stress levels can increase your heart rate, blood pressure and produce chronic anxiety. Ones stress level and emotional health also affects the baby so it is important to properly cope with or manage ones stress for the good of both mother and child. it is important that you work to reduce your stress and anxiety levels during pregnancy as much as possible. Fortunately there are many simple ways to reduce stress levels. One way to reduce stress is to eat a healthy diet. This will provide the energy needed to get through the day, especially when feeling tired. The junk food will increase the stress level in ones body so it is best to avoid it. Another way to reduce stress levels during pregnancy are to get a lot of sleep because the less sleep one receives the more stressed they are likely to be. Use a comfortable body pillow or buy new sheets and even a It is helpful to take a relaxing bath before bed and also avoid eating up to one hour before bed to prevent heartburn, which can disrupt your sleep and increase your level of stress. Exercise is an ideal way to help cope with daily stressors because it gives you energy to deal with daily stress stimulators. Women find that exercising after work helps provide them the time they need to distress from work. Exercise can also help ease labor and alleviate some of the anxiety associated with the upcoming delivery. Biofeedback, yoga or meditations are non interventionist ways to help one focus, identify stressors and release stress in a healthy, safe manner. Your partner can help you work through your anxiety and help comfort you in times of high stress sp talk to them often. Lastly reducing ones workload will reduce stress significantly. Carrying a baby for nine months is a lot of work so be sure to reduce work level if possible.