Friday, April 13, 2012

Dear Parents

Dear Parents,

            The most important aspect of parenting is providing love and care for your children. Children need love and support all throughout there lives and it is something that is completely necessary for the well-being of the child and also the family unit as a whole. There are going to be times when your children are going to need someone to be there for them when they become stressed out about their education, their friends, a relationship, and many other factors in their lives. As a parent it is a mother and a father’s job to see that their child gets the support he or she needs. They may feel that they cannot trust anyone and have nobody to talk to so must always make you available to talk to them whenever you feel necessary.
            From my own personal experience I know that if I did not have the support of my mother and father I would be completely lost. As a senior I recently had to make the decision on where I want o attend college next fall. I was extremely stressed out, and worried about making this decision because it is one of the most important choices I will have to make in my lifetime. I am afraid to leave home as I have never done so before and the school I want to attend in the fall is a long distance away. The stress was very hard for me to handle at times but I did have some comfort. My mother and father were very supportive of me through my college decision making process. My mother and father assured me that everything would be fine and that no matter where I go I will enjoy my college experience. They told me to go wherever I see myself living and learning for the next for years of my life. They also calmed my worries about the distance by telling me that I can be picked up often and that they would be more than willing to take the long drive to come and get me from school. My parents gave me the confidence to make the right decision for me.  Now I know that wherever I go I will be able to succeed and even though I will not be at home I will always have the support of my parents wherever I am. If I did not have my parents for support I would have never been able to go through this college decision making process all by myself.
            Parents should always support their children. There will be times when as a parent you will not agree with what your child is doing. Despite this you must put aside your opinions and support them no matter what. Children need their parents.

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